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['edɪt] v
gen. uređivati knjigu; redigovati
cinema montirati
comp. uredivati; priprema za štampanje
comp., MS urediti (To make a change to an existing file or document); izmena (A change made to a file or a document)
econ. pripremiti podatke za kompjutersku obradu
law doraditi; ispraviti; izdati; lektorisati; objaviti; pripremiti za štampu; urediti
polygr. korigovati (tekst); prirediti (novine, časopis i dr.); revidirati; skratiti; urediti (novine, časopis i dr.); uređivati (novine, časopis i dr.)
Edit ['edɪt] v
comp., MS Uređivanje (The name of a menu in a conversation window from which the user can cut, copy, paste, or delete text; undo recent actions, select all text, and change font and text size settings)
tekst edit ['edɪt] v
econ. urediti
 English thesaurus
edit ['edɪt] abbr.
abbr. ed
inf. editing
edit. abbr.
abbr. edition; editor
abbr., libr. edited
EDIT ['edɪt] abbr.
abbr., avia. engineering development integration test
abbr., comp., net. engineering document image transmission
abbr., el. error deletion by interactive transmission; error detection interactive transmission
abbr., mil., avia. eye-slaved display integration and test
abbr., post Engineering Data Isolation Technique
abbr., scottish Electromagentic-wave Detection & Imaging Technology
mil. engineering development integration and test
tech., abbr. engineering development integration test
Edit ['edɪt] v
media., abbr. E
EDIT ['edɪt] abbr.
abbr., busin. edition; editor
abbr., comp. error deletion by iterative transmission
: 35 phrases in 7 subjects

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